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The basis of this project is to create a safe space for people at risk of homelessness, domestic abuse, mental health issues and other life changing ailments. with this naturally comes:

  • interim housing for the homeless and at risk individuals. keeping them in a safe space for a short period of time while a more permanent situation is achieved.

  • drop-in centre for homeless people that cannot be temporarily housed, to use showers, kitchen and laundry facilities. with this comes postal boxes for individuals to receive mail and help them move forward and past their current situations. as well as the on-site facilities, there is also a manned help centre for anybody at risk in need of help or advice.

  • therapy/wellness pods that can be used both in house and for external clients, these are safe soundproof spaces for professional practitioners to provide healing and wellness services. as well as pop up GP, dentistry and grooming clinics for the homeless residents and drop-in users.


However, housing is only a small portion of the issue this country is facing.

the over arching driver for the project is to intertwine different communities throughout Chatham and the at risk individuals who often feel cut off and alone. this will help to create new connections both on a personal and professional basis through the other facilities within the project:

  • makers workshop for crafting and light D.I.Y including a full pottery studio and multifunctional space for individual work and group sessions. this is a great environment for people to naturally communicate and bond over a shared hobby or trade.

  • makers market, which works hand in hand with the makers workshop. the markets are located inside the main building and happening once per week for both at risk individuals and external traders to sell their goods and generate a main or second income. this also creates a natural social environment for people to connect.

  • the kitchen which is a daily coffee/cafe bar for all people to come and relax, work or enjoy others company with a choice of hot and cold refreshments. the kitchen also become a soup kitchen at scheduled times of the week where homeless people can come and be comfortable inside with a hot or cold mean, this again brings opportunity to connect and receive long term help. advice and friendships.

  • the auditorium, this space would hold education and training workshops, large group wellness workshops such as yoga and other therapies. it can be hired out by external parties, for private talks and events and can be used for performances. as well as being another available space for in house programs, it would also be an important source of income for the centre.


Project Responsibilities

Location Scouting, Survey & Archiving, Site Survey, Concept Development, Planning, Design Development, Detail & Construction Planniing, Visualisation

b.AR centre

Barracks.At Risk Centre occupies the Prince William's Barracks within the Fort Amherst complex in Chatham. It is a nepolionic fort which has been used in all major wars as barrack buildings, overflow hospital and a tactical location. There was damage to the main entrance area in the 50's when war heads were being removed from the building, It has been abandoned and derelict since.

formal work

Build Materiality


Dense grey foam was chosen to represent the concrete sculptural structure formed around the thrust stage. This V shaped structure divides the large pool hall into smaller adaptable, multi purpose spaces. 

1:100 model created from grey dense form carved on the CNC router and MDF/Perspex cut with the Lazer cutting machine. 



Existing Building


Concrete Intervention


Base & Entrance Cube

formal work

First Floor

Ground Floor



Sustainability was at the heart of this design, the major intervention material is reused sheet metal sourced from local redevelopment projects. The first floor and spiral stair is a patch work of metal which is then perforated to create a unifying design element throughout.

other materials within the scheme such as recycled Valchromat MDF Sheet, repurposed timber waste insulation and recycled felt upholstery.


Basement Floor

Section AA

Section BB

Section CC

Section AA

Section BB

Section CC

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