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The intention for the design is to create a journey with changing scenes and perspectives to explore, each at a different angle showing contrasting vignettes and views into the interior of the old hall at contrast to the new created environment. 


I have chosen a ‘V’ shaped theatre with stepped seating on two sides, facing at an angle of 60ª creating a Thrust-like performance space in between. The stage facing perspective will be directed towards the right hand (Western) wall. 


Taking the visitor on a journey through differently proportioned spaces and forcing the path from one vast space, through a confined tunnel or opening into a second expansive space doesn’t only help to differentiate the zones. It also creates friction and focus on the environment, helping to target the eye and emphasise and contextualise the scale of the spaces.

Design Concept

Project Responsibilities

Location Survey, Site Survey, Concept Development, Planning, Design Development, Detail & Construction Planning, Visualisation

City Academy

The City Academy in the heart of Ladywell, Lewisham occupies an old Victorian Bath House which over the years has been used for various different community activities, including gymnastics, boxing and play centres.

Due to lack of upkeep, the building was forced to close in 2004 and the building recieved Grade II listing in 2006


The materiality of the design is kept simple to allow the existing building to shine;

The timber frame of the building is restored to preserve the original architecture saving a part of the victorian period.

The graffiti on the walls is also conserved to keep the recent history of the site.

The large sculptural intervention in the centre of the building is created from cast concrete with wood panel relief, minimal detailing and metal rails.

formal work

Basement Floor

Ground Floor

First Floor


Section AA

Section BB

Section CC

Section DD

Elevation EE

Dense grey foam was chosen to represent the concrete sculptural structure formed around the thrust stage. This V shaped structure divides the large pool hall into smaller adaptable, multi purpose spaces. 

1:100 model created from grey dense form carved on the CNC router and MDF/Perspex cut with the Lazer cutting machine. 



Existing Building


Concrete Intervention


Base & Entrance Cube

formal work

Build Materiality

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